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The Functional, Molecular & Translational Neuroimaging Lab was founded in 2005 to integrate functional, structural and molecular neuroimaging expertise in clinical neurosciences in vivo. The objective was to establish an open interdisciplinary platform beyond department structures to support the knowledge transfer in neuroimaging methods within the MUW and between cooperating partners. This open network is a meeting place for research people and clinicians fascinated by the combination of promising new neuroimaging techniques and methods:

  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI, phfMRI) - How fMRI works
  • Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI, VBM)
  • Molecular and Functional Imaging of Neurogenetics (GenNI)


KONTAKT-EMAIL: neuroimaging@meduniwien.ac.at

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01.07.2022 - Gehirn Einblicke: Über die molekulare und funktionelle Bildgebung in der Psychiatrie

Inaugural lecture (Antrittsvorlesung) of Univ.-Prof. Rupert Lanzenberger, MD
Van Swieten Saal, Festival Hall of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Dr. René Seiger about "sugar, addiction and the brain" (ORF Barbara Stöckl "Bewusst Gesund Spezial", 2020)

A breath of Austrian air in Hong Kong.
Meeting the Delegation of the Austrian Federal Government.
Pain (from left to right) Ellen Zechner, Vice President of the Austrian Science Fund, FWF;
Heinz Fassmann, Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research;
Georg S. Kranz;
Michaela Fritz, Vice Rector for Research & Innovation, MUW.

Prof. Rupert Lanzenberger about "pain." (3sat, 2018)

Prof. Georg S. Kranz about "Transgender children." (3sat (NZZ), 2018)
The full version of the documentary can be found here!
NZZ - Transkinder

Interview with O.Univ.Prof. Dr.h.c.mult. Dr.med.univ. Siegfried Kasper about his position as president of the CINP.
Prof. Kasper

Prof. Georg S. Kranz about "Brains of Transgender People" (TheScientist, March 2018)

Prof. Lanzenberger about "reward, addiction sugar" (ORF Kreuz und quer, March 2017)
Kreuz und quer, on sugar - ORF 2

Georg S. Kranz about "Wie funktioniert Hypnose" (ORF Heute Konkret, February 2017)
Heute Konkret - ORF 2

MedUni Wien Researchers of the Month Celebration Nov. 2016

Researcher of the month ceremony
(left to right) : Prof. Markstaller, Rector Prof. M. Mueller,
Dr. M. Spies,
Dr. T. Vanicek,
Vice rector Dr. M. Fritz,
Prof. Podessa,
Prof. Lechner

Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Endocrinology Seiger R, PhD

Georg S. Kranz in "Fremd im eigenen Körper" ORF docu Dimensionen - die Welt der Wissenschaft, July 2016

"Sex hormones, gender identity and the brain", invited talk by Georg S Kranz, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (May 2016)

LIVE interview with Georg Kranz, PhD for KPCC, the most listened-to National Public Radio affiliate in California, USA, on transgender and "The Matrix" movie co-directors Lilly and Lana Wachowski. (March 2016)

Prof. Lanzenberger about "Wege der Heilung: Dem Gehirn bei der Genesung zusehen" (ORF Ö1 „Radiodoktor - Das Ö1 Gesundheitsmagazin“, Jan 2016)

MUW "Researcher of the Month" january 2016, to Thomas Vanicek, MD and Marie Spies, MD

Prof. Lanzenberger about placebo (ORF report "heute leben - Placebo-Forschung", Jan 2016)

Heute Leben - ORF 2

Installation of our new ITH cluster 3T MR scanner SKYRA SIEMENS, Okt. 2015

große Beispiel Bilder

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MUW "Researcher of the Month" september 2015, to Georg Kranz, MSc, PhD

MUW "Researcher of the Month" june 2015, to Gregor Gryglewski

Georg S. Kranz, Invited talk in Beijing, January 2015

Prof. Lanzenberger about anxiety (ORF docu "Angst - Die Mutter aller Dinge ", Jan 2015)

Neural correlates of willful intent Dr. Georg Kranz zu Gast bei Wien heute

Netzwerke des Gehirns spiegeln die individuelle Geschlechtsidentität wider

Brain connections reflect gender identity

RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH of the Medical University in Nov. 2012: research team member Andreas Hahn, MSc

Invited talk in Beijing, June 2012

Talk Bejing

Serotonin-1A Receptor Distribution
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Upcoming Events with presentations of our group

Lanzenberger R. joined the Editorial Board of Neuroimage (2011 IF 5.895)

Lanzenberger R. joined the Editorial Board of The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology (2010 IF 4.699), the official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuro- Psychopharmacologicum (CINP)

Lanzenberger R. joined the Editorial Board of European Neuropsychopharmacology (2010 IF 4.201), the official scientific journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)

Lanzenberger R. joined the Editorial Board of the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry (2010 IF 2.048)