The Neuromuscular Research Department (NMRD) Vienna
is an academic expert laboratory,
situated at the Center for Anatomy & Cell Biology of the Medical University of Vienna,
dedicated to basic and applied research as well as diagnostics
in the fields of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases,
focusing on functional, cellular, genetic, and biochemical concepts.

Neuromuscular Research Department

Center of Anatomy & Cell Biology
Medical University of Vienna

Währinger Straße 13
1090 Vienna

Tel: +43-1-40160-37508 (office) or -37509 (lab)
Fax: +43-1-40160-937500

e-mail: nmrd@meduniwien.ac.at

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Medical University of Vienna
Center for Anatomy & Cell Biology
Division for Cell and Developmental Biology
©2009-2024 NMRD-Vienna | last update: 13.05.2024