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Perceiving bionic limbs like your own

Medicine & Science

Breakthrough in intuitive control of artificial limbs

This was the Long Night of Research 2024

University, Medicine & Science

10,000 interested people visited the Medical Research Mile

New therapy proven effective against rejection in kidney transplantation

Medicine & Science

Study results could mark a breakthrough in transplant medicine


CD Laboratory for Image- and Cognition-based Precision Radiotherapy opened at MedUni Vienna

Medicine & Science

Image-guided radiotherapy is a central component of modern personalized cancer treatment

International VEGANScreener project assesses the nutritional quality of vegans

Medicine & Science

New tool supports analysis of diet for sufficient intake of certain vitamins and minerals

Limited efficacy of common local anaesthetic

Medicine & Science

Effectiveness of liposomal bupivacaine for pain control investigated in study


Brain organoid developed for research

Medicine & Science

Model created by IMBA and MedUni Vienna researchers makes nerve bundles visible


Frequent salting of food increases the risk of stomach cancer

Medicine & Science

Connection between salt consumption and stomach cancer shown for the first time in Western countries

One million people in Austria affected by migraine

Medicine & Science

New MedUni Vienna health guide for anyone suffering from recurring headaches