Supplemental data:

Statin use is associated with prolonged survival of renal transplant recipients

F. Wiesbauer1*, G. Heinze2*, C. Mitterbauer3, F. Harnoncourt4, WH. Hörl3, R. Oberbauer3,4,5

1- Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
2- Core Unit of Medical Statistics and Informatics, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
3- Department of Nephrology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
4- Department of Nephrology, KH Elisabethinen, Linz, Austria
5- Austrian Dialysis and Transplant Registry, Wels, Austria

* Both authors contributed equally to the paper

All supplemental data are available for downloaded as a single PDF document.

Webtable 1 Webtable 1
Characteristics of all 1,829 patients with graft survival of at least 90 days

Webfigure 1 Webfigure 1
Hazard function (risk for graft loss or death per year)

Webtable 2

Webtable 2
Complete Case Only analysis

Webfigure 2 Webfigure 2
Cardiovascular death outcome
Among the 2041 patients, 223 died with confirmed cardiovascular causes. 35 of these 223 deaths occurred before day 90. Extended Kaplan-Meier plot stratified for (timedependent) statin

Webtable 3

Webtable 3
Analysis of sensitivity of multiple imputation approach (comparison of results from multiple imputation after randomly deleting data and non-randomly deleting data)

Webfigure 3a

Webfigure 3b

Webfigure 3c

Webfigure 3 a b c
Analysis including events between days 0 and 90
Kaplan-Meier analysis

a Patient survival
b actual graft survival
c functional graft survival

Webtable 4a

Webtable 4b

Webtable 4c
Webtable 4 a b c
Analysis repeated without cholesterol

a Patient survival
b actual graft survival
c functional graft survival

Webtable 5

Webtable 5
MSM analysis without statin users at baseline

Webtable 6

Webtable 6
Clinical expertise models (HLA mismatches, CIT, Induction therapy, donor age forced into model)

Webtable 7a

Webtable 7b

Webtable 7c
Webtable 7 a b c
Interaction analysis (HR of statin use in subgroups which were close to significant)

a Patient survival
b actual graft survival
c functional graft survival

Webtable 8a

Webtable 8b

Webtable 8c
Webtable 8 a b c
Assessment of proportional hazards assumption of statin use

a Patient survival
b actual graft survival
c functional graft survival

Webfigure 8a

Webfigure 8b

Webfigure 8c

Webfigure 8 a b c
Schönfeld residuals

a Patient survival
b actual graft survival
c functional graft survival

Webtable 9

Webtable 9
Analysis of time to (biopsy confirmed) acute rejection
Results from Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox regression. Dependent variable: BCAR up to one year after transplantation.

Webtable 10

Webtable 10
Multivariable Cox’s proportional hazards model assessing the confounder-adjusted association of statin treatment on actual graft survival (graft failure and death with functioning graft counted as endpoints)

Webfigure 10 Webfigure 10
Kaplan-Meier curves of actual graft survival

Webtable 11

Webtable 11
Multivariable Cox analysis assessing the effect of statin treatment on patient survival and functional graft survival

Webfigure 11 Webfigure 11
Onset of statin treatment after transplantation