A. Kainz(1,2), G. Heinze(3), R. Korbély(1), C. Schwarz(1), R. Oberbauer(1,2,4)
1- Department of Nephrology, KH Elisabethinen, Linz, Austria
2- Department of Nephrology, Medical University Vienna, Austria
3- Core Unit of Medical Statistics and Informatics, Medical University Vienna, Vienna
4- Austrian Dialysis and Transplant Registry, Austria
STROBE-Checklist: PDF document.

List of all variables in the database used for analysis
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Kaplan-Meier plot of actual graft survival counting graft loss and death as event. The numbers below the x-axis refer to the subjects at risk at each time point. The p-value was derived from a log-rank test.
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Kaplan – Meier plot of patient survival. The numbers below the x-axis show the patients at risk at two years intervals. The p-value was derived from a log-rank test.
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Functional graft survival
Parameters used for propensity score model for functional graft survival

Functional graft survival
Distribution of propensity score for functional graft survival of the groups MMF and AZA.

Functional graft survival
Summary of the results derived from the five different analytical strategies analyzing the hazard of functional graft loss in the AZA vs MMF patients adjusted for several covariables.

Actual graft survival
Parameters used for propensity score model for actual graft survival

Actual graft survival
Distribution of propensity score for actual graft survival of the groups MMF and AZA.

Actual graft survival
Summary of the results derived from the five different analytical strategies analyzing the hazard of actual graft loss in the AZA vs. MMF patients adjusted for several covariables.

Patient survival
Parameters used for propensity score model patient survival

Patient survival
Distribution of propensity score for patient survival of the groups MMF and AZA.

Patient survival
Summary of the results derived from the five different analytical strategies analyzing the hazard of mortality in the AZA vs. MMF patients adjusted for several covariables.

Schoenfeld residuals
Functional graft survival (CCO analysis)

Schoenfeld residuals
Actual graft survival (CCO analysis)

Schoenfeld residuals
Patient survival (CCO analysis)