A. Kainz(1,2)+, J. Wilflingseder(1,2)+, C. Mitterbauer(2), M. Haller(1), C. Burghuber(3), P. Perco(2), R. Langer(4), G. Heinze(5), R. Oberbauer(1,2)
1- Department of Nephrology, KH Elisabethinen, Linz, Austria
2- Department of Nephrology, Medical University Vienna, Austria
3- Department of Transplantation, Medical University Vienna, Vienna
4- Department of Transplant Surgery, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
5- Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems, Medical University Vienna, Austria
+Authors contributed equally
Protocol: PDF document.

Significant differentially expressed genes between steroid and placebo treatment with the corresponding Gene Ontology (GO) term and reference identifying this gene as a corticosteroid target listed by fold change
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Gene Ontology (GO) classification of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) with a fold change over two.
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Protein-protein interaction network of significantly DEGs with a fold change over two, respectively. Black nodes (25 DEGs) indicate down-regulated genes and white nodes (three DEGs) up-regulated genes with corticosteroid use. Gray nodes represent proteins identified by the nearest neighbour expansion method.
Original data according to MiAME Guidelines
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