Amino allyl - UTP Labelling of RNA
Peter Hauser (last update 17.12.2002)
according to
Primer annealing:
- aRNA (800 ng) was primed with random nonamers (1µl), nuclease free water was added to get a total volume of 11µl
- Incubate the annealing mix at 70°C for 5 minutes
- Cool the mix at room temperature for 10 minutes
- Spin down in microcentrifuge
- Add 4 µl 5x CyScript buffer, 2µl 0.1 M DTT, 1 µl Nucleotide mix, 1 µl aminoallyl-dUTP and 1µl CyScript reverse transcriptase
- Incubate reaction mix at 42°C for 90 minutes
RNA degradation:
- Add 2µl 2.5 M NaOH to the reaction mix
- Mix by vortexing and spin down
- Incubate at 37°C for 15 minutes
- Add 10µl 2M HEPES to the reaction
- Mix by vortexing and spin down
Purification of aminoallyl cDNA:
- Add 3 µl 3M sodium acetate to each sample
- Add 75µl absolute athanol
- Incubate at -70°C for 60 minutes or overnight
- Centrifuge with 12.000 g for 30 minutes at 4°C
- Remove supernatant and add 1ml 70% ethanol
- Centrifuge with 12.000 g for 15 minutes at 4°C
- Air dry pellet and resuspend in 15µl nuclease free water
Labelling reaction:
- Resuspend CyDye aliquot in 15µl 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate pH9.0
- Add CyDye to the purified cDNA and mix by stirring
- Incubate for 60 minutes in the dark
- Add 15µl 4 M hydroxlamine to the reaction
Purification of labelled cDNA using QIAquick PCR purification kit:
- Add 225µl buffer PB to the reaction
- Apply the mixture on to QIAquick columns
- Spin for 60 seconds with 10.000g at RT
- Discard flow through and add 650µl wash buffer PE to the column
- Centrifuge 60 seconds with 10.00g at RT
- Discard flow through and add 500µl wash buffer PE to the column
- Centrifuge 60 seconds with 10.00g at RT
- Transfer column to a new tube and add 50 µl nuclease free water
- Incubate 1 minute at room temperature, than centrifuge 60 seconds with 10.000 g at RT
Purified labelled cDNA is ready for use.
CyScribe cDNA Post Labelling Kit | Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK #RPN5660 |
QIAqucik PCR Purification Kit | Qiagen, Hilden, Germany #28104 |
Ethanol | Merck, Darmstadt, Germany # 1.00983.1011 |
Nuclease free Water | GibcoBRL Gaithersburg, MD #10977-015 |
3M Sodium Actetat | Sigma, Steinheim, Germany #S-7899 |
Sodium Bicarbonate | GibcoBRL Gaithersburg, MD #11810-025 |
HEPES | USB, Cleveland, Ohio #16928 |
Sodiumhydroxid | Merck, Darmstadt, Germany #6482.100 |