Isolation of total RNA from Kidney biopsies
Peter Hauser (last update 20.11.2002)
Kidney wedge biopsies were obtained right before implantation. A small part (about 12µg) of the wedge biopsy was put into an Eppendorf fube containing 500 µl RNAlater™ (Ambion, Austin, TX). Samples where stored at +4°C over night and kept at -80°C for long-time storage.
- Put biopsy into 1 ml TRIzol®, grind tissue till a homogeneous mass emerges
- If frozen tissue is used; thaw on ice and remove RNAlater® with pipette
- Transfer grinded biopsy to an Eppendorf tube and add 200 µl chloroform
- Incubate in orbital shaker for 3 minutes
- Centrifuge (20 minutes, 10000 g, 4°C)
- Transfer the aqueous (upper) phase to a new Eppendorf tube
- Precipitate RNA by adding an equal amount (~550 µl) of isopropanol
- Incubate 10 minutes at room temperature
- Centrifuge precipitation mix (20 minutes, 10000 g, 4°C)
- Wash pellet in 1ml 70% ethanol
- Centrifuge again (10 minutes, 10000 g, 4°C)
- Air dry pellet at room temperature for 15 minutes
- Resuspend in 10µl nuclease free H2O
7 ml Tenbroeck tissue homogenizer | Wheaton Science Products, Millville, NJ |
TRIzol Reagent® | GibcoBRL Gaithersburg, MD #15596-026 |
Chloroform | Merck # 1.59129 |
Isopropanol | Sigma # 405-7 |
Ethanol | Merck # 1.00983.1011 |
Nuclease free Water | GibcoBRL Gaithersburg, MD #10977-015 |